
Showing posts from May, 2013

Sprint 11 Review/Final Exam

I consider the "final exam" containing my presentation and demo of the project plus an oral exam on coursework to be the final sprint review. The committee judging the final exam consisted of my advisor plus another professor from my department (my database professor) and a professor from another department (Accounting and Information Systems; I've been perusing classes in other departments trying to decide what to take next and discovered that she teaches a lot of database-related stuff in BCIS). The review/exam went well in that I did, in fact, pass. The project presentation and demo could hardly have gone better. I was able to answer questions intelligently and explained all the features, pros, cons, etc. of the project with no problem. Two of my friends who also work in the industry attended (the presentation/demo portion is open to the public) and so I answered questions from 5 people who knew lots about the domain in which I worked. I consider that quite an accom...

Sprint 11 Retrospective

So I figured I should do some final(ish?) updates on the project and finish off the sprint data and so forth. So here's the sprint 11 retrospective. It went swimmingly and I finished everything by the time it needed to be finished. Many things took even less time than I thought they would, so I didn't actually end up having to stay up all of Tuesday night to finish the programming issues before Wednesday morning. The tasks I finished were: Mark subtasks on the project page.  (15 minutes) "Task created" page should return to the project page. (15 minutes) Add a link to the login page/project page (depending on whether or not the user is logged in) to the error page. (10 minutes) Turn the subtask radio buttons on the task/new task pages into a drop down list. (.5 hour) Change the dependency checkboxes on the task/new task pages into a drop down and a button to add more drop downs as needed. (1 hour) (Actually changed to 3 checkboxes for now) Make the comment te...