Next Steps: Painting and Gluing

Once we finished cutting out our triangles, we started painting them. We brushed on acrylic paint instead of using spray paint, as it seemed logistically easier. Finding a place on campus to spray paint 75 triangles and finding enough time when it wasn't windy would have been a pain. It took much less time to paint than cut, so we were done with all the triangles within 2 weeks. After we had enough triangles painted, we started gluing them together into panels. The geodesic dome pattern we used has a single pentagon at the top, then a ring of 5 hexagons, then a ring of 5 pentagons, then a ring of 5 half hexagons (to make a flat bottom). This makes for a total of 11 panels plus 5 half panels. We used wood glue for this step. This turned out to be a good choice, as the wood glue starts setting up pretty quickly, so once we got the triangles properly positioned they didn't slip around too much. We did use binder clips on the glued edges to hold them together as they dried, j...