February book: Rocket Surgery Made Easy

I had originally planned to read a book about form usability this month, but one of my goals for the year was to try out usability testing. Last month's book, Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think , convinced me to try, and we needed to go live this month with some Very Important, Highly Visible features on our internal portal that everyone in the entire department needs to use. Don't Make Me Think 's promises of immediate, valuable feedback on usability problems from doing usability testing convinced me that NOW was the time, hence the switch to Steve Krug's other book, Rocket Surgery Made Easy , which focuses on doing informal, cheap, and easy usability testing, and suggests what to try first when trying to fix the issues that are inevitably discovered during testing. It was an easy, fast read, so I was able to finish the book in time to use its advice to guide our very first usability tests AND fix most of the issues we discovered during testing before goin...