2021 Goals and a 2020 Retrospective

Well, my 2020 goals didn't all get done, but then when I came up with them I wasn't anticipating a global health emergency to derail... Everything... So with the start of the New Year I figured I should revisit last year's goals and set new goals for this year. Image by Ockert Le Roux from Pixabay 2020 goals Finish rewriting apps at work. Try doing actual usability testing on at least 2 apps in order to determine if it's worth our while for future development. Complete UX/design training curriculum at work. Read at least one professional development type book per month. Finish 2 major e-textiles/wearable electronics projects by the end of the year. Finish up the nativity figurines I made in pottery class before Christmas. Finish 3 mixed media 3D printed/acrylic paintings by the end of the year. Things I'm already doing but want to keep doing include: Kick ass at work. (No false modesty here) Practice Spanish at least 6 days a week. Mentor CS students and women tr...