The End... Only Not So Much.

Finally, last night the kiln used for the soda firing and the main kiln (used for the cone 10 firing, in which the majority of pieces went... at least the majority of everybody else's pieces ;) ) were unpacked. My flower came out gorgeous and it'll be going into the show. For the summer class, there's generally an art show put on with the students' and teachers' best pieces; everybody always has at least one or two things that turn out well, and they get put in a gallery with fancy lighting and it's just awesome. So anyway my flower and my horsehair piece will be going into the show for sure. Cthulhu or my teapot may go in, as well, but as the teapot wasn't yet fired our teacher hasn't yet made up her mind about it. The blue tape on my flower marked it as something our teacher wanted in the show. ;) Other than watching the main kiln being unpacked, I also glazed my spoon rests, as they had been bisqued. I did one each in Emily's Purple, Michi...