Before I Forget... About That Logging (and a Few Other Things)

I meant to mention this yesterday in one of my posts but forgot. I had originally downloaded jars for both slf4j and JCL, plus the jar that connects the two. I know I didn't do this for funsies; it was purely to get my code to compile so I could use the export-to-XML feature of DBUnit. However, I stumbled across a page that listed the dependencies of DBUnit and it didn't include JCL, just slf4j. I had updated all my jars so I figured maybe things had changed and removed the connector jar and the JCL jar... And poof, everything still compiled!

Maybe I was somehow confused before (of followed bad advice on a blog/Stackoverflow post) and downloaded things unnecessarily, or maybe they've changed things in a more recent release, but either way I don't have to use both slf4j and JCL. Which is great, because when I tried to use them both the names of classes and the line numbers that were doing the logging got lost. Anyhow I now have things working very well with just slf4j and log4j.

The other thing I wanted to mention was about context-switching. I was somewhat worried that my current work, being in Ruby on Rails and Adobe Flex, would make it hard to switch back and forth with my project (my former work involved the same Java/HTML/JavaScript technologies). I thought I'd make silly mistakes like trying to do Java-style variable declarations (private int count = 0) when working in Flex (private var count:int = 0) or the other way 'round. Surprisingly, I've discovered though that this really hasn't been a problem.

However, the thing that's been a total pain is switching between a Mac at work and a PC at home. I keep hitting the wrong key, CTRL when I mean CMD or vice versa. Argh. I curse whoever decided to do things differently. Also since we use git at work and svn for the project I have to look up all the svn commands every time I want to do something. They're very similar to git but not identical, and I don't want to screw things up. Luckily these are just minor annoyances, not major hinderances.

So it goes.


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