Sprint 1 Review

Yesterday I had my meeting with my prof. Alas, I had some configuration problems on the department machines (Tomcat wouldn't pick up my JRE_HOME setting for unknown reasons) so I wasn't able to demo during the meeting, but I was able to get a demo up and running during my lunch break. The demo included SSL for login, hashed passwords in the database, restricting access to the HSQLDB to the same server it's running on (as far as I can tell; I haven't figured out how to test that one yet), and logging. My prof seemed satisfied with how much I've done so far and we discussed my plans for the next sprint (mostly finishing what I didn't finish this sprint), so the Sprint Review, such as it was, went well.

During the meeting I also discovered I won't have to do a written exam on the classes I've taken, contrary to the impression I had gotten from the department webpage, so a big hooray for that. A "project report" describing the project, how I did things, what technologies I used and why, etc. will be the only written portion. So it seems that starting this blog was a good idea and its content should help with that.

So much for the review (there really isn't much to say when you're a one person team, I guess!).


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