Sprint 3 Review

Today I met with my advisor and we discussed the last sprint, including the issues I had. He decided I should try using the CS email system without authentication, and if that didn't work, the university's email system. I was able to do this during lunch and while the CS system still wouldn't work, I was able to send through the university's system, so that's what we'll be using. This makes the item Fix the email notification system so that it works with the CS department email settings finished, with around 2 hours of work.

We also decided to backburner the attempts to get SSL redirection working from the root of the webapp, seeing as I can't figure out the problem and nobody on StackOverflow has even been able to help. As a last resort I can do the redirect programatically, but I would much prefer to do it via Tomcat's configuration if possible.

My professor did seem generally pleased with my progress, and when I described the issues I had with PMD and CheckStyle he said that that would make a good topic to discuss in the paper I'll have to write. At this rate, the paper practically writes itself.

Finally for next sprint my advisor decided that, as long as my installation instruction file is clear, for now there's no need for an installation script or wizard. So that won't be included in sprint 4 after all. Instead I'll focus on three main things: rewriting the database code, moving things out of the session into the request, and rewriting the JSPs to be more technically correct and use JSTL.

Onwards and upwards!


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