Sprint 5 Planning

The goal for sprint 5 is the same as for sprint 4: to improve the database access code and the JSPs, as well as move Objects from the Session to the Request.

The sprint backlog items, however, have changed substantially. For all of the following pages in the web-app, I need to rewrite the JSP and rewrite the servlet code; some of them have had their database code rewritten already but for the parts I didn't complete during the last sprint, I also need to rewrite the database code. These are really all at the same priority level, so I'm not bothering to give them a rating.

New User1
New Task1
New Project1
New File Link1
New Comment1
Application Configuration1
Blocking Tasks3
Most Recent Tasks3
Unfinished Tasks3

The total points for this is 28, so I think it should be do-able in 3 weeks.


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