Sprint 5 Review

Yesterday I met with my professor for a demo of the pieces I had working; he was satisfied with it. Then we discussed my plans for the next sprint and through to the beginning of next semester. During the next sprint, I intend to get the entire application running again at the very least. I'm also hoping to start on the list of new features (discussed below) that I'd like to explore; my adviser was open to me doing any/all of them, although as he put it they're really for my own personal development/education rather than requirements from him. Of course the entire project is pretty much an exercise in personal development, since I already know how to make working software, but anyway.

My goal with the project is to make an application that's as professional as possible, so I want to include some of the bells and whistles you'd normally expect from a commercial application. This includes things like resetting a forgotten password, locking an account after too many failed login attempts in a certain amount of time (which idea was sparked by this awesome article), having requirements for password strength, etc. I'd also like to make some more database performance/correctness improvements. So hopefully I can do one or two of these items; I haven't yet estimated them or prioritized them, since I brainstormed them over the weekend.

So that's the plan for the next sprint, which will be the last that will end with a demo for my prof since the demo will in fact be during finals week. I'll keep working though. No rest for the wicked and all that.  I will also have 2 weeks off around Christmas/New Year's, and I intend to spend quite a lot of that time working on my project.

I'm hoping to get all the background stuff (security, database performance, etc.) done before the spring semester starts, so in the spring I can concentrate on the UI and on adding a few more pieces of functionality for the end user (basically new data access/servlet/JSP chunks), and of course getting the paper written. And cramming for the oral exam component of my masters presentation, I suppose.

So that's the plan for awhile.


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