Sprint 6 Planning

The goal for sprint 6 is to finish rewriting the application, and to fix and prevent bugs and handle errors gracefully.

There are quite a few items left from last time, so those are:
New User1
New Task1
New File Link1
New Comment1
Blocking Tasks3
Most Recent Tasks3
Unfinished Tasks3

This adds up to 17 ideal man hours, which is a little low (hopefully; I like to try and stay optimistic!), so I want to add in a few more items to the sprint backlog. They are:
510Fix a bug with navigating to the projects page0 (5 mins)
500Fix the login error that occurs when the username doesn't exist in the user table2
470Wrap create statements and the fetching of the ID in one database transaction to prevent incorrect results2
450Update the application to handle errors nicely5

This is another 9 hours, which brings us up to 28. I'm ever the optimist, so hopefully this will be the sprint where this is actually successful. Go Team Me!


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