Sprint 7 Planning

The goal for sprint 7 is to create a git repo and finish the rewrite of the application, for reals this time.

Including some of the items left over from last sprint, the sprint backlog items are:

600Set up git repository2
590Rewrite edit user/task/project code4
580Change email code as per discussion3
570Rewrite unfinished tasks page3
560Rewrite most recent tasks page3
550Rewrite blocking tasks page3
500Fix login error when user doesn't exist2

This is a total of 20 hours, which, considering the time of year, seems more reasonable than 30ish. I'll also be doing some research on how to improve the task dependency/subtask relationships. Ideally I want to be able to display trees of these relationships (akin to comment trees on some websites), and this may require some database schema changes, all of which I want to get done in sprint 8 (before going live, basically).

And that's it.


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