I'm not actually dead (Sprint 8 retrospective, sorta kinda)
clearly I fell off the sprint-wagon. Things got a bit away from me at
the start of the semester, and so I just haven't been doing the formal
sprint stuff. I've been working on bugs and configuring Tomcat, plus
getting the first draft of my paper written. But I need to get organized
again in order to finish what needs finishing before I present my
project May 3 (only 3 weeks away, ack!), so I'm going to restart with sprinting and all that for the little time I have left.
So for sprint 8, I did finish all but one task, Fix weird errors when project only has one user (instructor is the only student). For two other tasks, I'm not sure how long it took to finish them because I didn't write it down (the beginning of my slide into not being scrummy): Update the application to handle errors nicely and Change code to use connection pooling. I finished the rest normally: Add columns/tables to database to support task dependency/subtask relationships (1), Add columns to user table to support lockout after failed login attempts (1), Add checks for authorized access to all CRUD operations (2), Wrap create statements and the fetching of the ID in one database transaction to prevent incorrect results (if necessary) (0, 'cause it was in fact unnecessary), Check all error-related redirects to make sure they work properly (1), Add try/catch blocks for parseInt calls and handle errors appropriately (1). Also I had one unplanned task: Remove unused data access and application layer methods (1).
The actual sprint went fine, it was just the time after that when I stopped updating and doing sprint planning and all that. So for the next 3 weeks, I'm all about the scrum again!
As far as stuff I did during the non-sprinting time, I discovered that Tomcat actually has a built-in lockout realm, so I won't be using those columns in the database after all. I implemented that, fixed some bugs, started trying to get jQuery working, finished the first draft of my paper, moved some stuff from the server.xml file into context.xml, and probably a few other things I'm forgetting. So I did actually get stuff done, it just wasn't at all documented. Alas.
I'm not going to do a sprint 8 review, 'cause that meeting was so long ago I can't even remember it.
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