Sprint 10 Planning

During this next sprint, after figuring out the basic outline of my presentation, the main thing that must get done is fixing bugs. I’m going to do a quick demo of my software during the final exam, and so stuff needs to WORK. So those are the highest priority items.

Anyway, here are the sprint backlog items:

700Create outline for presentation.2
690Gather study materials for oral exam.1
680Fix task creation error where error message is sometimes shown though the task was created.3
670Fix blocking tasks page.3
660Fix task editing bug where the task creator can’t edit the title/desc.3
650Study for the oral exam.3
640Move the task list on the project page to the top, above the project info..5
630Make subtasks indented on the task page..5
620Make the subtask and dependent task lists further apart on the task page..5
610Put a link on the task page going back to the project page..5
600Make the default task priority “normal”.1
590”Task created” page should return to the project page or at least have the banner and a link to the project page.1
580”Task edited” page should return to the task page or at least have the banner and a link to the task page.1

This is a total of 20 hours, which I think is doable considering this weekend will be entirely devoted to this stuff. If I’m lucky I might even get more done; I do have all the remaining items estimated so I can pull stuff in if I finish all of this early by some miracle. Anyway, that’s what I’m gonna be doing all weekend!


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